Emerging Flower Fears
Vintage tissue paper dress patterns, paper, acrylic on canvas
24” x 36” x 1.5”

This painting is the prototype for my primary painting featured in Emerging Fear of Flowers solo exhibit. It's new owners are dear friends who live in Los Angeles.

This diptych, titled “Hypothermal Vent”, is well situated above the living room sofa in this Palm Springs midcentury home.

The library/study in this midcentury home in Arizona features my 2019 mixed media painting titled: “Chaos Theory”.

This painting, titled “Landing on Her Feet,” found an outstanding location in a lovely Montana home.

I took first place at Gallery H/Phantom Galleries' “Art Fusion” exhibition judged by Scott Canty. The award came with an interview and wonderful write up in “Diversions LA.

Here I am at the opening of my solo show “Mother Machine” posing with two lady friends and surrounded by paintings.


ARMature is an installation consisting of 5 identical vintage display torsos that have been altered to express 5 aspects of Woman: fertile, artistic, intelligent, nurturing and “dark” side. Each has an individual title. “Fertile Crescent”, “Intelligent Design” and “Nature vs Nurture” are all illuminated from the inside to highlight details.

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